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Burton Chenet

1958 – 2012

Chenet’s eclectic background as the son of an American mother and Haitian father greatly influenced his expressions of imagery.  His use of fundamental Haitian iconography, strong references to cultural mythology and contemporary influences from his unique upbringing have cemented his legacy among Haitian-American artists. 

Chenet earned his Bachelors of Fine Arts from the School of Fine Arts in New York and taught visual arts at the Ecole Nationale des Artes in Port-au-Prince.  His work graces many American, European and Caribbean museums and has received international accolades throughout his vibrant yet short career.

He was tragically killed in 2012.  He was 55. 

Burton chenet_Liberté et

Burton Chenet

Liberté et Amour 1990

72" x  35"


Burton Chenet

Jacko 3PM

50" x  30"


Burton Chenet


36" x  28"


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